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home > Misc Documents > Poor House List from 1850 Census
This page last updated on 29 January 2004

Poor House List from 1850 Census

The following information was posted to the Person County mailing list on 6 Dec 1999 by Louise T. Overton. She has given permission to post it here.

Residents of the Person County Poor House – 1850,  page 474 of 1850 Person County, NC Census:
  1. William Gregory, age 36, oversees poor, NC
  2. Mary Gregory, 50, NC
  3. Ann Trickey, 70, NC pauper (indexed as Frickey)
  4. David Trickey 60, NC pauper (indexed as Frickey)
  5. Kitsey Lowery, 67, VA, pauper
  6. David Owens, 63, NC, Pauper
  7. Ann Calling, 59, NC, pauper (indexed as Collins)
  8. Lemuel Fhecher 50, NC, pauper (indexed as Samuel Welcher)
  9. Willie Collins, 50, NC, pauper (indexed as Collis)
  10. Mary Fulcher, 48,VA, Pauper
  11. Charles Gregory, 49, NC, idiotic
  12. Chasey Gregory (f), 68, NC, pauper
  13. Mina Bullen, 38, NC, insane (indexed as Bolllen)
  14. Loia Westbrook (f) 35, NC pauper (first name indexed as Ldia)
  15. Mary Clayton, 28, NC, pauper
  16. Margaret Clayton, 15, NC, pauper
  17. Edward Wagstaff, 8, NC, pauper
  18. Ralph Clayton, 5, NC, Pauper
  19. Willie P. Clayton, 1, NC, pauper
  20. Molly Mitchell,5 C, pauper, Mulatto
  21. Patsey Marlin, 43, NC, idiotic, Mulatto (indexed as Patty Martin)
  22. Martha Everett, 35, NC, pauper, Mulatto
  23. Elizabeth Everett, 6/12, NC, pauper, Mulatto
  24. Samuel Everett, 5, NC, pauper, Mulatto
  25. Rada Leester, 68, VA, pauper (Indexed as Liester)


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