Person County North Carolina Genealogy

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This page last updated on 01 June 2004

Newman Slave Sale

Transcription of Report on Sale of Slaves from the Joel Newman Sr. Estate, 1838, Person County, North Carolina

Copy of original in the possession of  Joel Newman Sr.’s great-great-granddaughter Kate Burkhart Mitchell Daniel, Colorado Springs, CO. Thanks to Linda Masden Vixie who transcribed this document on 28 March 2004. Her email address is available from the webmaster (see link at bottom of page).

Joel Newman Sr. died 23 Aug 1838 in Person Co., NC.

Title on outside of sheet:

Accompt of Sale of
the negroes belonging to
the Estate of Joel
Newman Sen. Decsd. Sale
26th of December 1838

(Inside trifolded sheet: )

Accompt of Sale of negroes belonging to the Estate
of Joel Newman Sen Decsd Sold the 26th of December 1838

Wm Brandon 1 yellow woman named Rose 400.00
A[lr?] Moore 1 man named Charls $946 do Harrison 933 1879.00
Kin Newman 1 man named John 1091.00
Tho Lipscomb 1 man named Reuben 950
H[ire?] Newman 1 woman named Dorcas & child [r/n/s]oney 799.50
ditto 1 Boy named Richard 333.00
L. Farmer 1 man named Tom 901.00
Benj Stanfield 1 woman named Celia 400.00
Ola Faulkner 1 Boy named William 802.00
Jno Chambers 1 woman named J[o/a?]ne 750.00
H. Williams 1 Boy named Sidney 772.00
Henry Overby 1 girl named Malinda 570.00
J. Newman 1 old woman named Eady 110.00


The above is a correct statement
of the said negroes

Kinchen Newman} Executors
Joel Newman }


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