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> Indenture - William Ramsey and William Baird - 07 March 1827 This page last updated on 16 August 2005 |
Indenture - William Ramsey and William Baird - 07 March 1827 |
William Baird William Ramsey March 7th, 1827 This Indenture made this Seventh day of March One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven Between William Ramsey of the County of Person and State of North Carolina of the first part- and William Baird of the County and State aforesaid of the second part Witnesseth that the said William Ramsey for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars to him in hand paid the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath Bargained Sold and confirmed and by these presence for Himself and his Heirs doth give grant Bargain Sell and Confirm unto the said William Baird his Heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of Land lying and being in the County Aforesaid and State of North Carolina and bounded as followeth- Beginning at a Stake on William Bairds line North on Said Bairds line Eleven Chains and fifty Links to Pine fence along a ____ of Marked trees a division line of William Baird about North forty eight degrees East ninety five chains and fifty Links to a White Oak near a Branch of Spoon Waters, Thence up the Said Branch and a line of marked Trees about South thirty four degrees East about forty Nine Chains to a Post Oak on William Bairds line thence West on said line to the beginning Containing one hundred and one acres be the same more or less to have and to hold the said tract of lands and Premises with the appurtenance there unto Belonging or in anyways appertaining to the only proper use of him the said William Baird his Heirs and assigns forever and the Said William Ramsey doth hereby agree to and with the said William Bairds that it shall and may be lawful for the said William Baird his heirs and assigns peaceably and quietly to have hold hope and enjoy to their only Proper use of the land and Premises aforesaid without any interruption Claim or Claims of him the Said William Ramsey his Heirs or assigns and the Said William Ramsey for himself and his Heirs will warrant and forever defend the said land and forever defend the said land and premises against the claim or claims of him the Said William Ramsey his Heirs or assigns In witness whereof I the said William Ramsey have hereunto set my hand and affix my seal the day and year above written. His Signed Sealed and delivered State of No Carolina ] The execution of this deed was duly proven in open Court by the Oath of Thomas Halliburton and ordered to be registered. Test
Thanks to Joyce Harrison who provided this transcription. |
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